Shiur Shkolim 8b (2) 1 Nisan, 5784 – 04/09/24


Shkolim – 8b (2)

1 Nisan 5784. 04/09/2024

1- We continued on the topic of a רביעית and the dilution of wine. Will discuss שיעורים of a רביעית next shiur bl”n.

2- Our גמרא discusses the ארבע כוסות and the proper way to drink them.

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Can one drink all 4 cups one after the other?

From our גמרא it seems that one would be יוצא. However the בבלי states that one would not and that is the הלכה.

תעב דיני הסיבה ודכוסות ובו לא סעיפים

טז. צריך לשתות הד’ כוסות על הסדרקכב שיתבארקכג דהיינו שבין כוס ראשון לשני ובין שלישי לרביעי יפסיק באמירת ההגדהקכד וההלל ובין שני לשלישי יפסיק באכילת מצה וברכת המזון ואם לא הפסיק ביניהם בדברים הללו אלא שתה ד’ כוסות זה אחר זה לא יצא ידי ד’ כוסותקכה אלא כולן נחשבין לו לכוס אחד וחייב לשתות עוד [ג]’ כוסות על הסדרקכו שיתבארקכז:

3- The basis for the above is the based on the topic of saying הלל in Shul on the first two nights of פסח.

הלל נוסח אשכנז Hallel

If we follow the opinion that if one recites הלל in Shul he does not necessarily need to say הלל at the סדר the result would be that between the 3rd and the 4th cup there would be no הפסק.

4- We discussed the opinions of reciting הלל and the מנהג of the ספרדים and חסידים.

The מחבר writes that we do say הלל in Shul while the רמ”א say we (the Ashkenazim) do not.

5- We mentioned the story, from a non Lubavitcher source, told about the Alter Rebbe.

Reb Meir Shapiro (Daf haYomi) related:

In the early days of Chassidus the Alter Rebbe was once in Vilna for פסח.   No one knew who he was except for אנ”ש. After Davening with the Shul מנין , the Alter Rebbe and his Chassidim locked themselves inside the Shul to recite   הלל with great שמחה.

Davening Alone With Joy |

The next morning, the שמש raised a commotion for this ‘great sin’ and the Shul Rov shouted at them “how did you act against the ruling of the רמ”א who says that our מנהג is not to say הלל!”

The Alter Rebbe responded to the Rov:

Please do not be angry. Were you present to witness the  רמ”א banging on the table saying emphatically, ‘our מנהג is not to say הלל’??

Perhaps the רמ”א was lamenting that unfortunately we don’t have this beautiful מנהג….

6 – Another story from a non Lubavitcher source concerning ‘the search for אתרוגים in an armored vehicle in the forests of Italy amongst the wild tribes’.

rwanda25 | Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in Rwanda | John Ensslin | Flickr

Nu nu.

7- Speaking of הלל on ליל פסח we mentioned the interesting תשובה  of the Ragatchover concerning the מנהג of Anash to say  הלל on the first two nights of פסח. Here. Part 2, #8

We will discuss it more next week.

In middle of the תשובה he writes to the Rov that asked him the question about saying הלל:

And Anash that do say הלל have no clue as to why, but they are right and ‘they prophesied without knowing it is a prophecy’, to say הלל….

‘Now, if you were a חסיד like us, I would add some more esoteric insights on הלל but for a מתנגד like you this will suffice…..especially as you are also  ‘preacher’ of Mussar   רחמנא ליצלן… I’ll be short….. Yosef Rozin

He concludes by asking this Rov to pray for him as he has a bad cold…..

8- Our גמרא asks if one drank the ארבע כוסות with פסקן if he is יוצא.

The conclusion is that the תקנה of the  ארבע כוסות was not enacted to get people drunk!

Pictured: Jerusalem produces scenes of abandon in Purim celebrations

What is פסקן?

Most מפרשים translate it as ‘sipping’ as opposed to plain drinking.

The question is what causes more intoxication?  sipping (spacing out the drinking) or gulping it down in one shot.

Some Jews Drink HUNGRY GERALD, 54% OFF |

9 – There is an interesting explanation that פסקן means an extremely  large goblet. שבות יעקב או”ח א, כב.

In a letter written to the שבות יעקב a fellow suggest this idea:

He quotes an interesting מדרש, that at the time of the Persian Kings, those attending his feasts were (occasionally?) forced to drink an entire פסקן. It caused either death or psychosis.

The famous party of אחשוורוש was the exception:

וְהַשְּׁתִיָּה כַדָּת אֵין אֹנֵס כִּי כֵן יִסַּד הַמֶּלֶךְ עַל כָּל רַב בֵּיתוֹ לַעֲשׂוֹת כִּרְצוֹן אִישׁ וָאִישׁ.

No one was forced to drink.

No Music at Achashverosh's Party

So our ירושלמי’s question here is as follows: Based on the opinion that at the סדר one must drink רוב כוס (as opposed to רוב רביעית thru out the year) if one uses a פסקן that contains a large amount of wine – does he also need to drink רוב כוס?


The שבות יעקב responds:


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