Shiur 12/13/16 Beitza 15 b

Beitza 15b.

1- Our Gemara states that G-D tells us that ‘“borrow money for Shabbos and Yom Tov food and I will repay you!”

Tosfos asks that we find else where where it seems that one should not go into debt for Shabbos needs. “[if one is poor] Make your Shabbos a weekday but do not come on to the favors of others”.


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Tosfos answers that indeed, someone that has nothing should not borrow for Shabbos food.

But one who has assets that are not liquid, if he needs cash for Shabbos, he should borrow since his intention is to pay back when possible.

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2- We mentioned the Sicha (LKS Vol 16 p180) of the Rebbe where he discusses this topic and how the Alter Rebbe phrases this Halacha in his Sulchan Oruch. 242,3.

The parallels of Shabbos and the Mon (manna from heaven).




Three ideas of the Mon:

  • a- Reliance on the miraculous bread from heaven.
  • b-  Toiling to find the Mon.
  • c-  Bracha that accompanied the Mon user to recognize that all ‘bread’/Parnoso is miraculous.


  • a- Miraculous guarantee of the Shabbos debts to be repaid.
  • b- Borrowing for Shabbos (see above, section 1).
  • c- recognition that even food for weekdays is G-D given.

3- We spoke about the wonderful thought of the “Magid Reb Mendel’  that is quoted in the Toldos Yakov Yosef, the first book on Chasidus ever published (!) to reconcile the above.

Image result for toldos yaakov yosef

[in passing we mentioned that despite the author being a senior Talmid of the Baal Shem Tov, some recent misnagdisher pseudo ‘researcher’ published an article questioning this fact]

Here it goes:

If לוו עלי  – ‘lovu olai’ – connected with me- meaning  if one’s Shabbos is to be a connection with G-D, then אני פורע –  ‘ani porea’.  He will be paid back..

But if it’s שבתך –  ‘shabatcho’ your Shabbos, i.e. an un-G-dly one,  then if so, do  not borrow…

4- We spoke about the story of the ‘old’ Tzemach Tzedek,  Reb Menachem Mendel Krochmel,  (previously ) who forbade Jews of  his town to buy fish for Shabbos after the gentile fish merchants hiked up the price to an unreasonable amount. Despite the Minhag of eating fish on Shabbos the economic plight of his congregants was of a greater concern to him.

Image result for fish for shabbos

He based his Psak on the Gemora in Krisus. We find that Rabban Gamliel ruled, when the price of fowl reach an unsustainable level, that one pigeon may be used (temporarily) by multiple people for a Korban.

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…may be used for what?

The question we discussed is from our Gemara where it states that ‘the Parnasa of a person is decided on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur – except the outlays of Shabbos and Yom Tov. 

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So what was the Tzemach Tzedek worried about? What not pay the exorbitant price for Shabbos fish? One will get it back anyway!

We mentioned some possible solutions.

5- We spoke about the concept in Halacha of two opposing circumstances when one does not perform a Mitzvah.

  • 1-  פושע – ‘poshea’ (intentional- מזיד ‘maizid) R”L.
  • 2-  אונס – ‘oines’ (unintentional- שוגג’shogeg’)

Where does forgetting fit in?


  • #1- One intentionally did not Daven.
  • #2- one didn’t Daven because he had an emergency.

In case #2 one can make up the Davning. In case #1 one cannot.

What if one simply forgets? is that פושע – poshea or אונס – oines?

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What about ערוב תבשילין – Eiruv Tavshilin?

~ To be continued.




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